A. The organization is organized to operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes with the meaning of Section 5.01 (c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Revenue law), and more specifically:
B. To work to enhance the physical, economic and social enrichment of the City of Harriman in partnership with federal, state and local governments;
C. To promote the restoration, preservation, protection and use of Cornstalk Heights Historical Community, to encourage the understanding and appreciation of Harriman’s history, culture and architecture.
In 2010 we were awarded a State Declaration for Best Old House Neighborhood. This is based on the publication in "This Old House Magazine"!
This shows what hard work, dedication and determination can do.
See link: https://www.thisoldhouse.com/21018338/best-old-house-neighborhoods-2010-small-towns
Dick McPherson (President)
Bruce Knobloch (Vice President)
Theresa Pitcock (Secretary)
Beth Conley (Treasurer)
Joshua Gillespie (Historian)
Directors at large:
Donna Demyanovich
Robert (Bob) Harnden
Garry Barton
Joe Jones
Pat LaDue
Ron Becker
Jerry Lively
Alternate Directors:
Aaron Johnson
Christina Branham
Cornstalk Heights Historical Community Organization (CHHCO), a non-profit organization, was started in 1990. Killeffer Park, one of the community's premier parks, was under threat of being sold with construction of a planned housing project in its place.
A community organization was formed to protect and save not only the park, but the surrounding historic home district in Harriman as well. The organization successfully applied to the National Historic Register and became officially recognized as Cornstalk Heights Historical Community Organization. The application was partially approved due to the community's uniqueness in being one of the first "planned" communities in the country.
The Harriman Cornstalk Heights District was listed in the national register of Historic Places in September 1990 for its historical significance.